Stay abreast of what is happening in Thomasville. Events include monthly Downtown activities, South Georgia Ballet events, as well as events and shows at Thomasville On Stage and Thomasville Center for the Arts.
Juneteenth Celebration, June 22, 2024, 11 AM - 6 PM, Thomasville Exchange Club Fairgrounds, 2057 Georgia State Highway 122, Info: Website.........July 4th Celebration, July 4, 2024, 6:30-9:30 PM, Downtown, Info: 229-227-7001..........First Friday Sip and Shop, August 2, 2024, Info: 229-228-7977...........
Birdsong Nature Center: Land Management Workday, June 20, 2024..........Birdsong Nature Center, Info: 229-377-4408, Website..........
Thomasville On Stage Events: A Night at the Movies – Songs from Film, June 7-9, 2024..........The Store Front Theater, 117 S. Broad Street, Info: 229-226-0863, Website...........
Events at Thomasville Center for the Arts: A Seat at the Table, August 24, 2024..........600 E. Washington Street, Info: 229-226-0588, Website...........